Couverture Défi Port de Québec

Startup Beta Journey Challenge

How can we contribute to the improvement of the noise environment in a port area, to enhance the quality of life of local residents, by testing new innovations, integrating new technologies or using the area as a test ground to increase knowledge on the topic?

Logo Port de Québec
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Port of Quebec has a clear vision: to be a port recognized by citizens for its responsible management of the territory, respect for the environment and protection of biodiversity while positioning itself as a world leader in sustainable supply for a resilient economy.

With this in mind, the APQ created its innovation laboratory named Lighthouse in 2024. The latter aims to:

  • Improve the visibility of the port environment in the innovation ecosystem;
  • Integrate the academic and research and development environment to respond to key issues;
  • Use the port as a lever that will allow young companies to access the global market;
  • Promote the integration of innovative solutions into port operations;
  • Deploy multidisciplinary teams to respond to complex issues;
  • Develop and publicize the expertise of our technology companies by using the port as a laboratory.

The Port of Quebec is seeking innovative solutions to improve the noise environment surrounding its industrial activities, manufacturing and transport activities on neighboring residents, particularly in the Anse au Foulon area. We invite startups to develop, test or integrate sustainable and efficient technologies to monitor, predict and reduce noise pollution, thereby improving the quality of life of the surrounding community.

Improve the acoustic environment of the Port of Quebec, contributing to the health and well-being of neighboring residents, and establish a benchmark for sustainable and innovative noise management solutions in industrial and transportation centers globally.

  1. Develop cost-effective and sustainable noise reduction solutions.
  2. Prove the technical viability of innovative acoustic management technologies.
  3. Accelerate the deployment and scaling of successful solutions.
  4. Inspire and support the next generation of acoustic management innovators.

  • 1st Prize: $5,000
  • Experimentation of the winning solution in the Port of Quebec environment for up to a year.

What Port of Quebec expects to see:

  • Technologies to monitor, predict and reduce noise pollution from ships, machines, trucks, trains, etc.
  • Solutions taking into account high and low frequency noise.
  • Sustainable methods with minimal environmental impact.

Important: The solution must be a new technology or engineering design that can reduce or eliminate noise pollution. We are not looking for solutions requiring a change in population behavior or logistics, but rather innovations in technologies, materials or methods.

Non-exhaustive examples of expected solutions:

  • Advanced Technologies
    • Active noise control using scientific sound cancellation methods.
    • Monitoring and analysis systems to identify noise sources.
    • Real-time visualization and prediction tools for sound levels.
  • Industrial Innovations
    • Reduction of noise from heavy machinery (vibration dampers, silencers).
    • Engineering approaches to noise suppression.
  • Urban Infrastructure
    • Noise barriers and screens for large-scale planning.
    • Absorbent materials and innovative structures (acoustic panels, special coverings).
  • Creative Solutions
    • Innovations that do not require social or logistical behavioral changes.

  • Solutions that do not address noise pollution from specified sources.
  • Temporary or short-term noise reduction methods without lasting impact.
  • Solutions requiring a change in resident behavior or logistical adjustments.

All details relating to technologies, innovations or methods submitted to Cooperathon will remain strictly confidential, unless otherwise indicated.

Unlock this information on by registering today to Cooperathon 2024 – Startup Beta Journey.
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